Monday, April 24, 2017

National Infertility Awareness Week 2017

Hello, all! *insert waving emoji here* It's National Infertility Awareness Week 2017!! The theme assigned for this year is LISTEN UP!. I'm not sure what direction Resolve is wanting to go with this theme but for me, I'd like to use it as a platform to dispel some common misconceptions regarding infertiles. Of course I cannot speak for all childfree women but I believe these are some universal truths that need to be told.

[Quick disclaimer: 99.92% of my friends, family, coworkers and acquaintances have children and I am NOT trying to tell you that your thinking is wrong nor am I meaning to offend anyone. I just want to share my opinion on some popular (mis)conceptions.]
Not my drawing... just saw it on the Internet and thought it was cute.

MYTH #1- Erica a "bitter infertile".
I can completely understand why the entire world would think this. Every movie, book, television show, etc. that touches on the topic of infertility paints the image of a woman who is always crying or angry or just crazy in general. If all you see is negative, I don't blame you for pegging me as a certain characteristic.
       Just as I was typing the above paragraph, I thought of two examples (without even really having to think too hard); on the television series, Once Upon A Time, Regina, the evil queen cannot have children but Snow White and Prince Charming have Emma and baby Neil. In the novel, What Alice Forgot, the infertile sister, Elizabeth, is depressed throughout over half of the book and she even attempts to kidnap a young child.

Okay, okay...some of what is shown in popular culture is true. We infertiles get sad (just like everyone else). We also occasionally get angry at our bodies for not functioning as they should. And at times, we feel a little less feminine and maybe even a little ashamed. But I can promise you that I am not evil or depressed and my life is NOT a constant longing for a baby.

  • I do not lust after other women's pregnant stomachs. I do not want to bring them any harm or ill wishes. 
  • I do not want to steal away other people's babies to raise as my own. 
  • I am not weeping at every baby shower I attend, nor do I cry during pregnancy announcements. 
  • I am not jealous of my friends and coworkers who have children. I do not "unfriend" people who post pictures of their happy families.

Another infertility character that the media shows is the woman who is "too career oriented". This woman is cold and unattached; she cannot have time for children or any meaningful personal relationship because she is married to her job. Her success in the business world has lead her to live the life of a spinster. I believe that stereotype is also incorrect. I am a small business owner. Yes, RagsReborn is very important to me but I also have friends & family. I am capable of caring and nurturing. If I were to get pregnant, I would gladly take on both raising a child and growing my small business.

So, no, I am not a bitter infertile. I am actually quite supportive of my childbearing friends; I have sewn baby shower and baby's first birthday items for each one of them. I am happy to join in conversations regarding my coworker's children. I love to hug and coo at small children just as much as the next person.

MYTH #2- Erica doesn't know what love is.
If I could get a quarter for every time I heard the phrase "I didn't know what love was until I had a child" I would be FILTHY RICH. Why do people feel the need to tell me that? I honestly do not even understand what that phrase even means. If it was true that you could not grasp the concept of love until you conceived a child, does that mean that you never felt the love of your parents as you were growing up? Did you never experience the thrill of young love as a teenager? Did you not love your husband or wife until the day they got pregnant? This is absurd.

Speaking of absurd...when I confess that I cannot have children, most people assume that I live an empty life. They picture me driving home to a dark and undecorated house where I binge watch CSI: Miami and eat canned beans for dinner. For those of you who have thought that about me, please stop worrying... I live a very fulfilled life. My apartment is lively and decorated; I have found many hobbies that bring me joy (one of which is cooking, so no gross canned beans for me!) and I have two lovely dogs and a wonderful husband. I do not need children to fill my life with love and happiness; I have found other things that bring me just as much contentment.

Another thing that people question is what will happen to me in my old age without children. They assume that I will live the last decades of my life as an old curmudgeon with no one to care for me. That is also untrue. I am actively taking care of my health now so that I am able to prosper in my old age. I am also investing for my retirement. I plan on being fully independent in my later years so I do not become a burden on anyone.

MYTH #3- Erica wants children.
Sure there was a time when I wanted to be a mother and if I had a miracle pregnancy, I would fully embrace it. But the truth is that I do not want children. (!!!) My infertility journey started out as being childfree-not-by-choice but I have come to accept and embrace my now childfree life. There are many women and couples who are choosing to not bring children into the world. More and more adults are owning pets or becoming entrepreneurs or travelling the world. Even as this is happening around us, childfree discrimination still exists. I get strange looks when I openly discuss my infertility, other women do not invite me to their social gatherings because I am not part of the "mommy club," and I am expected to endure longer hours at work because I do not have a family to get home to. Lets all take a quick minute to become more aware of this discrimination so that we may all act differently next time we meet a happily childfree woman.

So there are my two cents for this year's Infertility Awareness Week topic. Thanks for listening (reading); it means the world to me! If you want some more reading, might I suggest these blogs (and this list, too, if you really want some more reading!)-

Life Without Baby ( is written by several different women, all of which are all insightful and honest. They have a weekly "Whiney Wednesday" post that addresses some of the issues that I just wrote about.

Waiting for Baby Bird ( is a faith based infertility blog. As a fair warning, let me tell you that it is written with an extremely Christian perspective. I am not religious but I have read several of Elisha's posts and found hope in them. I also appreciate the rawness in her writing.

I just made my annual donation. If you are wanting to donate to a charity, might I suggest Resolve?

Monday, April 3, 2017

RagsReborn's Spring Craft Show Schedule, pt.2 (April)

Here it is, guys, the April craft show line up everyone has been waiting for!! I am beyond excited that RagsReborn will be participating in each of these craft shows. I promise you that each and every one of these shows will be a good one. Guaranteed. (Three out of four of these are repeat shows that I have done before so I'm allowed to say stuff like promise and guarantee. LOL)
       Since my spring craft show season turned out so poorly in 2016, I decided to act a little smarter for spring 2017. Instead of signing up for any show I could find, I decided that I would only sell at repeat shows that had good traffic & sales previously and/or shows that came recommended by fellow vendors. Its the creme de la creme this year!

Friday April 14th, 2017 - Quarter Mania
5:30pm - 8:30pm (auction starts at 6:30pm)
Mustang Town Center, Grand Ballroom 1201 N. Mustang Rd., Mustang, OK 73064
       I am starting off with my absolute favorite charity event. If you haven't attended a Quarter Mania event, I highly encourage it. It is so much fun! All you do is buy a paddle and then pay quarters to bid on the auction items. The vendors always go all out and donate some amazing stuff! All the vendors there are super friendly and the entire night is filled with energy & excitement. All of the money from paddles and vendor booth rent is going to be donated to Friends of the Mustang Animal Shelter and Mustang Parks & Recreation. That's right... one event aiding two charities. Doesn't get any better than that!

Saturday April 15th, 2017- Wanderlust Pop Up Shops
10am - 6pm
Wheeler Ferris Wheel 1701 S. Western Ave., Oklahoma City, OK 73019
       Wanderlust is my big (MAJOR!) show for the year. If you can only make it out to one show on my agenda, I would definitely choose this one. It is going to be a very large event with a huge variety of talented vendors. It'll be outdoors at the newly installed Oklahoma Ferris wheel. Yes, you read that correctly... outdoors... as in my first outdoor festival! Huge shout out to my friends Paul Bowman (Pens and Things by Paul) and Melida Bowman (Mama Dragon Studio) for letting me borrow a tent. Without them, I would not be participating in this show.
       This is a first time show (because the Ferris wheel wasn't here before) but it is being put on by a company that runs many other large and successful reoccurring craft shows. I am oh so very excited about being a part of this show. And, I have a surprise announcement... at this show only, I will be selling tote & messenger bags! I've been working diligently on these and spoiler alert...they are flippin' adorable!

Saturday April 22nd, 2017- 8th Annual Spring Craft Show
9am - 3pm
Western Oaks Christian Church 8100 NW 23rd., Oklahoma City, OK 73127

Saturday April 29th, 2017- The Handmade Show
9am - 4pm
The Crown Center 13300 S. Western Ave., Moore, OK 73170

I participated in the shows at Western Oaks Christian Church and The Crown Center last year. This will actually be my fourth time at The Handmade Show! The vendors and event organizers are like one big family. Although they are smaller shows, they are certainly worth visiting; if not for the vendors, then for the amazing lunch cooked by the church ladies and friendly atmosphere of the show. I will be in my same booth space as previous years, so when you come visit, you'll know where to find me! One last thing to mention, out of all the shows that I have participated in, these are two of my three favorite church shows to do. (The third one is only a Fall show, which makes me sad. Jan, if you're reading this, Triumph Family Worship needs a spring show, too!)

So there you have it. The next couple of weeks will be very busy for RagsReborn and I hope to see everyone out and about supporting not only myself, but all the other amazing local talent that is the Oklahoma crafters and small business scene.