Monday, April 29, 2019

Last week was Infertility Awareness Week

Last week was Infertility Awareness Week and the theme was Infertility Uncovered. I visited Resolve's website (the national infertility association) and read a bunch of articles, personal testimonies, and blogs but I didn't write a blog post of my own. I usually do but I didn't feel right doing so this year because I literally have nothing to contribute to the theme. Its tricky for me. As I dig deeper into "infertility", I realize more and more that, not having gone through it first-hand, I can't truly relate one hundred percent. Yes, it is true that I cannot conceive a baby on my own. But, I have not gone through the ups & downs of fertility treatment. I have not attempted to foster or adopt. I have not considered surrogacy or IVF. I want to empathize with my fellow sisters but I feel like a guest in the infertility club; sometimes welcome and sometimes not. I think for this year's theme, I am the unwelcome sort of guest. So I will stay silent on the #infertilityuncovered topic.

Even though I couldn't really participate in this year's Infertility Awareness Week, I want to leave some friendly reminders:
       * One in eight couples is infertile. Please don't ask about a woman's family planning; you never know how hurtful that simple question of When are you going to have kids can be.
       * We all are capable of making informed decisions about the size of our family. Please don't ask Why don't you have kids, yet or tell us You won't know what love is until you become a mother.
Just because I am not actively on an infertility path, I still believe in the importance of awareness. I will remain a cheerleader for advocacy and acceptance.  I send out my best wishes for those couples on their infertility journey. I grieve for women's miscarriages and couples with unsuccessful results. I am the one in eight.

Lastly, a little bit more about myself and my personal journey...   There is the tribe of women who are "childfree" (don't have children; never wanted to have children). There is another tribe of women who are "childless" (went through their infertility journey and ended up without any successful results). I am stuck in the middle... when I was in my late teens/early twenties, I decided that I didn't want to have children; then when I got married, we decided that life wouldn't be so bad with a kid or two but then we found out that I have advanced & extremely severe endometriosis. So then I reverted back to my original decision of not wanting children after all. I'm sort of childfree but I'm also kind of childless. There isn't really a tribe for me. So I continue to forge my own path.

Monday, April 22, 2019

SURPRISE! More craft shows...

I have pillows! I have large stuffed animals! And, I have small stuffed animals (ok, not really small, they're the size I've always offered)!

Guess what, guys? I WILL be having a spring craft show season after all! HOORAY \(^_^)/  As you already knew, Wanderlust Pop-up Shops was my only spring craft show this year and it was cancelled because Oklahoma weather is terrible (100% chance of rain and a high of 40℉ forecast for its previously scheduled date, um... no thanks 👎) The new scheduled date will be Sunday May 5, 2019. While stressing out about Wanderlust, I picked up two more shows, so, you'll have a couple more chances to buy that pillow or stuffed unicorn you've had your eyes on. 😉 I will have ALL of my inventory at these remaining shows (there will be tons of inventory to choose from because I was sewing like a madwoman in preparation for Wanderlust Pop-up Shops)... that means SO MANY pillows, the entire stuffed animal menagerie, plus other fun stuff like tote bags, wall hangings, cell phone and tablet pillows and anything else that is in my crafting closet. This will be my first time participating in these two shows but I've heard good things and I'm sure they will be pretty fantastic.

Arts & Crafts Marketplace
Saturday, April 27, 2019
9am - 3pm
The Station at Moore Central Park, 700 South Broadway Ave., Moore, Oklahoma 73160

The "marketplace" will be outdoors on the lawn. I won't have a tent so please pray for good weather. Actually, the event coordinator told me that if it rains, she'll move the entire show indoors so maybe we should all pray for rain. LOL The main goal for this show is to be an artisan marketplace but there will be a handful of direct sales vendors. This show was recommended to me by a fellow crafter, Elizabeth (owner of Zee & Zeus dog treats) so if you come out to see me, please also swing by her booth to pick up some goodies for the fur babies.

I know this is the most generic craft show flyer ever but this is what they posted on their Facebook event page...

Arts & Crafts Fair
Saturday, May 4, 2019
9am - 4pm
American Legion Post 12 - Bethany/Warr Acres, 6101 NW 50th Street, Warr Acres, OK 73122

This will be a true craft fair; only handmade items and no direct sales! The craft fair will be held in conjunction with the lodge's annual pancake breakfast (which starts at 7am... vendors are allowed to start selling at 7am but I won't be there until 9am). Breakfast and shopping all in one go! What more can you ask for?

Wanderlust Pop-Up Shops
Sunday, May 5, 2019
10am - 6pm
Wheeler Ferris Wheel, 1701 S. Western Ave., Oklahoma City, OK 73109

I hope you guys can make it out to the rescheduled Wanderlust. I know its on a Sunday, which can be a little inconvenient but I promise it'll be worth your while to come out. It's all local, handmade, Oklahoma artisans!! There will also be food trucks and kids' activities. And, it will be my last craft show before summer break (no shows for the rest of May, and all of June thru September).

Monday, April 15, 2019

Did you know you can frame clothes?

Its spring cleaning time! I've been going through my closet and, oh my goodness, there are a lot of clothes that I don't wear anymore! 😆 Luckily, I can use a lot of it as fabric for RagsReborn pillows and what I can't use, I can donate. On the other hand, I came across a couple of items that I can't use as fabric but I still have a sentimental attachment to so I don't want to get rid of them, either. At the same time as I was trying to come up with ideas of how to re-purpose my clothes, I was also thinking of how to fill some of the empty space on a few of our walls. Then the two collided and I decided to frame a few of my shirts. It is a pretty straightforward process and here's a super simple DIY.

Materials needed: old article of clothing (I used the blouse that I got married in; it still fits but it's become a little too tattered to wear), picture frame, hot glue gun and fabric scissors.

1. Open up the picture frame and locate the piece of paper in between the cardboard backing and glass.

2. Cut out the section of fabric that you want to frame (or, if you don't want to cut into your shirt, fold it to where only the section you want to frame is visible). Make sure that the section is bigger than the piece of paper from step #1.

3. Wrap the fabric around the piece of paper (I wrapped it tightly, like I would a Christmas present) and glue around the edges.

4. Put the frame back together and you're done!

Another thing that I like to frame and decorate with is puzzles. But I guess that's not a novel idea. any suggestions for what I should frame and decorate with next?

Monday, April 8, 2019

RagsReborn's Spring Craft Show Schedule

Howdy, everyone...long time, no blog. How have you been? Good, I hope. I suppose this lack of blogging isn't news anymore since I only blog about once per month now. So lazy! LOL I guess I haven't had that much going on. Or at least not that much that's worth writing about. So onto RagsReborn's spring craft show schedule...

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Wanderlust Pop-Up Shops
Saturday April 13, 2019, 10am - 6pm
Wheeler Ferris Wheel 1701 S. Western Ave., Oklahoma City, OK 73109

This will be my third year at Wanderlust. 😎 And that's because it has always been one of my favorite shows to be a part of. The event coordinators do everything they can to ensure that both vendors and shoppers have a great experience. The best part--- all of the vendors are local Oklahoma makers! No direct sales or multi-level marketing companies. Support handmade crafters!! Support local small business!! Support artisans!! And all that jazz...

And that's it. Only one spring craft show this year. I might pick up a small show here and there if a good fit comes my way but I don't have much planned for this spring and summer. *Gasp!* No worries though, I will be doing several shows this fall and holiday season. I already have applied for--and have been accepted to--a handful of shows (which is amazing because I never get my schedule organized this far in advance!) I plan to hit the craft show circuit pretty hard again starting in October. Until then, let me know if you need any custom orders made; you know those are my favorite and I am always ready for them!