Monday, March 19, 2018

March is Endometriosis Awareness Month

I usually have tons to say about Endometriosis Awareness Month but this March, I'm actually not that compelled to jump on my soapbox. I actually don't need to write a lengthy blog post because other strong women are sharing their stories and educating the public. And guess what? Endometriosis is finally being recognized as a legitimate disease (and not just stereotypical "woman problems" that make nice girls turn into "super extra whiny b*tches" during "that time of the month"--all things I've personally been accused of by friends, coworkers and total strangers). Thanks to numerous celebrities and websites like SpeakENDO (, more and more women are speaking up and speaking out. I actually heard a national ad campaign by SpeakENDO on Pandora recently!

I've always been vocal about my diagnosis but I know that a majority of other women are too embarrassed to speak freely. Even though the disease is being recognized more & more, there is still a stigma surrounding it.
       But why? It's 2018 for Pete's sake!!
              Every other disgusting disease is discussed openly, so why can't I tell you about my menstrual cramps when you ask why I cancelled on our lunch meeting?
              How come I have to force a fake smile when I'm actually feeling kind of gloomy?                           And why can't I just go home to change my pants because I bled through my pad?
I can't figure out a good answer to those questions so I'm not going to hide in the background and pretend I'm okay when I'm really not. No one should have to stay silent when they are hurting. Healthcare professionals need to know that endometrial pain is real. Upper management needs to allow for employees to take time off work to rest from cramping and heavy bleeding. Peers need to forgive their friends if they cannot fulfill their commitments due to symptoms of the disease. And those who have endometriosis need to stop being too ashamed to talk about it.

Judge me if you want to but I'm going to continue to #SpeakENDO for my misunderstood pain and frustration. Not only will I speak up for myself but I #SpeakENDO for all women. If you too  are affected by this disease, I encourage you to also spread knowledge and awareness.

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