Wes's friends got him a hideous Spider-Man shirt from a garage sale. (It was one of those oversized faux silk ones.) He mentioned that he needed a lunch bag for work. I was wandering around Target and saw a canvas lunch bag on sale and snagged it. Then DIY inspiration happened!! I took the two and made this.
Recycled shirt lunch bag tutorial-
Materials needed: lunch bag (mine was canvas), shirt, hot glue gun, scissors, needle & thread
The original bag and shirt
1. Cut the shirt into pieces that are a little bigger than the sides of your bag. One piece for each side of the bag (mine was 5 pieces).
2. Glue the pieces onto their respective sides.
3. Since we cut the shirt into pieces that were a little bigger than the sides of the lunch bag, we can trim to the exact perfect size. After trimming, sew the edges of the shirt onto the lunch bag. This probably isn't absolutely necessary but it will prevent damage from wear and tear.
Its almost Christmas!! A little over a week before I get to shower my loved ones with hand crafted gifts : )
A little off topic... but... I just wanted to thank everyone for the birthday wishes, engagement congratulations and condolences regarding Kensington. All the Facebook messages, texts and phone calls were greatly appreciated and reminded me of all the wonderful friends and family I am surrounded by.
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