Monday, November 3, 2014

Ack! Writer's block... the week Erica couldn't think of anything to blog...

I suppose this isn't a bad thing. I'm pretty long winded, usually, so we'll just keep this one short. But I will have lots of pictures because there are dogs involved. And everyone loves precious pictures of Kensington and Sadie. : )

Poor Wes always gets volunteered for in my craft nights.
A few months ago, I decided we all needed bows. I think my mom was having us over for a cookout or something and I wanted us all to dress formally. Since it was the middle of summer, I couldn't make actual clothes for my already furry dogs so I accessorized.
Kensington wasn't in a cuddly mood. Note boxie is always my faithful art companion!
Cloth no-sew bow tie tutorial:
     materials needed - cloth (I used two colors), scissors, hot glue, a ruler, Velcro
1. Measure and cut a strip of cloth a little bit longer than your neck, head, or whatever you intend to tie a bow on. The width of your cloth should be thicker than the actual width you want to have upon completion. I made my strips of cloth about a foot long and 3inches wide.
2. Lay the strip of cloth flat and fold the top & bottom edges into the middle and hot glue. Then fold the left & right edges about a centimeter in and hot glue. Now, your strip of fabric should look like one solid piece with no frayed edges.
3. Put that aside and grab another piece of cloth to make the actual bow part.  Cut a square the size you want your bow to be. Fold the square piece into a few accordion folds. You can fuss with it until you get the desired bow shape.
4. Cut one last small piece of cloth to wrap around the center of your bow. Once the bow is in place, put a tiny dab of hot glue on the back so the accordion folds don't unfold. Hot glue the bow, strip of cloth in the middle, and strip of cloth from step 2 together on the back of the bow tie. Now all three pieces should be connected.
5. Stick your Velcro to the ends of the bow tie and there you have it. I used different colors for the different pieces of fabric for my and Sadie's bows. Wes and Kensington just got plain ones but no one complained.

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