Monday, September 22, 2014

Erica joins the 21st first blog...

I have the cutest dogs.  Kensington is the fluffy tan one and Sadie is the white one.

About two years ago, a friend and I decided to get together on Monday nights and do crafts. (Here's her blog We would bring ideas, some original and some from Pinterest, magazines, other blogs, etc., and see what we could create.  I didn't think I would be blogging my projects so I don't have step by step pictures for detailed tutorials. But I do have pictures of finished goods :)

This is a wedding gift I made for my cousin who recently got married.  He and his wife live in Sydney, Australia. I haven't seen him since 1995! My boyfriend and I went to Sydney- our first time in Australia- for about 10 days and it was the most fun we've had as a couple. The wedding was perfect. And they liked their gift, too!

My cousin's and his wife's initials are K & E.
     I mixed blue, white & black paint to get the color; painted a canvas & some wooden letters.       
       The pink lace is from a skirt that I don't wear anymore. 
         Glued pink fabric onto painted canvas after a few layers of paint...and thoroughly drying.
           Glued ribbon around letters and onto fabric.
             Let dry again.
               Glued letters on & let dry again. Painting is always a test of my patience but I was good to not have anything smear on this.  It took about 2 hours from start to finish.

I guess that's it for tonight. More crafts to come!! I'll leave you with another picture of my dogs (because they're so precious)

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