Monday, June 20, 2016

Erica's return to good ol'crafting...

I don't think I've done a DIY craft blog in a few months. I've been mainly focusing on craft shows (sewing pillows, pillows and more pillows!!) and throwing in some travelling on weekends when I was free :)
       But as mentioned in January, my mother is to wed this June and I am in charge of decorations. At first, she didn't know what she wanted for the wedding. Then she wanted too much. After talking it over, we settled on me making the table centerpieces and a couple of other small items. The "couple other small items" were super simple DIYs so they'll be featured together in next week's blog. This week, I wanted to share how I made the centerpieces.

Three out of twenty...

Flower centerpiece tutorial:
       Materials needed- emptied, washed & rinsed 14.5oz soup can
                                     fabric (I used suede)
                                     3.8in foam ball
                                     plastic flowers
                                     decorative trim
                                     scissors, wire cutters, tape measure, craft glue, hot glue gun & glue,                                                      Styrofoam glue (you probably don't really need three different types of glue)
So there's actually a lot of materials that's not pictured. I didn't realize how much I'd need when I first started doing this.

1. Measure & cut your fabric to be 9.5in long and 4.5in tall.

2. Glue one edge of the fabric to the soup can and set aside to dry.
If there's still some glue from where you peeled the label off, that's even better because you can stick your fabric to that ;)

3. Once the initially glued spot has dried, pull the fabric tight around the can and glue again to the middle of the can.

4. Lastly, wrap the remaining fabric all the way around the can and glue the edges of the fabric pieces together to meet. Set aside and let the glue completely dry.

5. Add on any trim, ribbon or decorative items to your can.

6. Glue the Styrofoam ball to the top of the soup can. 
       I used hot glue for this but you can probably use whatever type of glue you want. Now looking back on it, hot glue was a bad idea because it dried so quickly.

7. Cut the flowers and leaves off of the stem. Leave about 2 inches of the stem on the flower --this is what you will poke into the Styrofoam ball. I tried doing this with scissors but was more successful when I used wire cutters.
Wes actually did this step for me.

8. Stab those flowers into the Styrofoam balls!!
       I used an assortment of flowers and leaves. If I had taken a flower arrangement class, I would probably have a better idea of what flowers match and go well together. But since I haven't taken any classes on arrangements, I just did what I thought looked pretty.
I started with putting all of the large flowers in the ball. Then I added the smaller flowers. Lastly, I used the leaves to cover up any extra space. The goal is to cover the entire Styrofoam ball with flowers. If the flowers don't stick, put a dot of Styrofoam glue at the tip of the stem before poking it in.

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