Monday, September 28, 2015

Erica is going on hiatus for a while...

... because it's honeymoon time!! Wes and I got married in April but decided to wait on our honeymoon. I'm not sure why exactly but I'm sure it had to do with work (ick!), finances (double ick!) and cooler autumn weather. I don't have any fun crafts, delicious recipes or deep life lessons today. Just a bunch of pictures I stole from the Internet. Well, not exactly "stole" since I'm not claiming they're mine... so I suppose I'm only borrowing.
For our vacation, Wes & I will be taking a road trip out west.  We'll be gone a few weeks. I'll be sure to journal my experiences and take plenty of pictures so I can blog about it when I get back. In the meantime, please revisit my previous blog posts at

I can't find any pictures of cute old Asian ladies with American husbands so this will have to do.

If you've read all of my blog posts already and need something else to read, I would like to recommend "A Man Called Ove." It was the August book for my book club.  It was such a popular read that the library was completely backed up on reserves. I reserved the book in mid-June and didn't get a copy until the week after my book club meeting. LOL Once I got it, I read it in three days. It is a light read with both humor and sentiment. 

The holiday season is upon us and I would like to encourage everyone to shop locally. There are so many great artists and crafters out there who can make a much better gift than anything store-bought. Also, yours truly can make a pretty great custom order pillow. ; ) I've actually been pretty busy with custom orders lately. I will blog and post pictures after I come back from vacation. 
Here are all the shows that I will be a part of! 
       It'll be great to do ALL of your Christmas shopping locally and support vendors, artists and crafters. RagsReborn will be at the following:
Saturday, November 7th- Triumph Family Worship's Craft Fair

Saturday, November 14th- PC West Fest

Saturday, November 21st- Earlywine YMCA Craft Fair

Saturday, December 12- The Crown Center's Handmade Fair

I am unsure if I'll apply to be in any other ones this year but if I do, I will be certainly posting about them as well. It's vacation time and I'll talk to you guys in a couple of Mondays!

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