Monday, July 13, 2015

Erica doesn't like wearing shoes.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE shoes. They look wonderful in stores & magazines, on other people's feet and in my closet. I just don't like to wear them on my own feet. I grew up barefoot because no shoes were allowed in the house (thank goodness Wes agrees with me on this one so we live in a no-shoe apartment). I would walk around everywhere barefoot if I could. I'm one of those weirdos who doesn't think being barefoot in public is gross. Walking barefoot on fresh grass or on the beach is the best feeling ever. EVER!!

Anyway, while I was recovering from surgery a couple of weeks ago, I had the sudden urge to make beaded jewelry. I'm not a jewelry maker nor am I a bead crafter. But, I had a few beads and some elastic from when I was younger left over in my craft box. Even though I don't like to wear shoes, I really enjoy adorning my feet. In my high school years, I would draw all over my feet with gel pens. When I was into henna, I drew all over my feet with that. I used to wear toe rings (but those things are uncomfortable so I stopped) & I always have at least one anklet on. So naturally, I gravitated toward foot jewelry.
(this has also been a shameless excuse to show off my Kensington tattoo)

Beaded anklet tutorial:
       Materials needed - beads, elastic & charms (not necessary)

1. Measure the elastic.
       Start by wrapping the piece around whichever toe you wish to wear this on. Wrap around your toe once, pull across your foot and wrap around your ankle once. Leave some slack (for tying knots) and cut.
2. Tie a loop knot around your toe (the loop should be the size of a toe ring). 
       I left some slack so it was a little loose but I planned on making these as gifts for people with larger feet than mine. (I have creepy slender feet with really long toes >.> ) All of my pictures will look loose but you should measure for the size of your foot.
Please don't think my yucky dry hobbit feet are gross!
3. Bead the elastic part that will stretch across your foot. When you get to your ankle, tie a knot to section off the foot part and the new part that will be the anklet part. You will have tied your elastic into three sections by now: toe, foot and ankle.
       I put charms on two of mine at this step (not pictured but its an option). For this one, I saved the charm for the anklet part.
4. Bead the remaining elastic. I added the charm here (I forgot to count and measure the beads around my ankle so the charm isn't quite in the middle where I wanted it. Advice to you: plan out your bead and charm pattern so everything lays right when its finished.) Leave about an inch unbeaded to tie the final knot.
     Also, This entire project will be easier to make if you're wearing it as you make it.
All done!!
I made three of these... one is for a friend who will be vacationing on a beach soon, another is for a friend who lives driving distance from a beach and I'm jealous of them both. LOL But, I had to make one for myself too even though I have no beach opportunities coming up. A gal can dream...

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